All Electronic Resources

Academic Search Premier,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aph [EBSCOhost]

A multi-disciplinary database providing full text for journals; indexing and limited full-text. Provided by South Dakota Library Network


ACS [American Chemical Society]

A database of ACS research journals in the chemical and related sciences; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


AGU [American Geophysical Union]

An index to peer-reviewed journals of AGU spanning a wide range of subjects in the earth and space sciences; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


AIP Scitation [American Institute of Physics]

A database of  journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP Member Societies; includes PubMed; indexing and limited full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


Applied Science & Technology,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=asf [H.W. Wilson]

A database covering a wide variety of applied science specialties - acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear and civil engineering, computers and informatics and much more; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


ASCE Journals [American Society of Civil Engineers]

Indexing of current and retrospective journals of the ASCE. Provided by Devereaux Library


Compendex/Engineering Village [Engineering Village]

A comprehensive bibliographic database of engineering research; indexing and links to full-text holdings. Provided by Devereaux Library


EBSCO MegaFILE,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=keh [EBSCOhost]

A multi-disciplinary database covering every area of academic, study and general interest subject areas; indexing and full-text. Provided by South Dakota Library Network


EBSCOhost [EBSCOhost]

A collection of databases for researchers of all ages covering a variety of subjects; indexing and full-text. Provided by South Dakota Library Network


Gale Databases [Gale Cengage Learning]

A collection of databases for researchers of all ages covering a variety of subjects. Databases include: Discovering Collections Grades 6-12; Educator's Reference Complete, Expanded Academic ASAP,  Chilton's Library; General Science Collection; Profession; indexing and full-text. Provided by South Dakota State Library



Provides access to the geoscience literature.The database contains references to journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


GeoScienceWorld [Geoscience World]

A comprehensive database for research across the geosciences, built on a database of peer-reviewed journals and integrated with GeoRef; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


Google scholar [Google]

Simple access point to search for scholarly literature in many disciplines; indexing and full-text. Provided by Google



Access to many IEEE journals, transactions and magazines as well as Proceedings of the IEEE and Spectrum; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


IngentaConnect [Publishing Technology]

This free database provides indexing for a variety of scholarly publications; articles may then be purchased by the user; indexing. Provided by Publishing Technology


IOPscience [Institute of Physics]

IOP science is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


JSTOR [Jstor]

An online research database covering a wide variety of topics. Devereaux Library subscribes to only two journals but there is a wealth of open access titles available; indexing and limited full text. Provided by Devereaux Library


OpenSky [National Center for Atmospheric Research]

The open access institutional repository supporting University Corporation  for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and UCAR Community Programs (UCP); indexing and full-text. Provided by NCAR


ProQuest Earth Science Collection [ProQuest]

Provides access to the geoscience literature; the database contains references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


ProQuest SciTech Collection [ProQuest]

Provides access to journals in the fields of science and technology; indexing and full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


ScienceDirect [Elsevier]

Provides indexing to a wide range of scholarly titles in the fields of engineering and science; indexing and limited full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


SciFinder [Chemical Abstracts]

Provides access to a research from many scientific disciplines. Includes CAS database with complete coverage of chemistry and the life sciences including biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, medicine, and related disciplines; indexing and full-text. Provided by South Dakota Board of Regents


Web of Science [Thomson Reuters]

Provides access to citation databases. Multidisciplinary content covers journals including open access journals and conference proceedings; indexing. Provided by South Dakota Board of Regents




eBook Collection,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nlebk [EBSCOhost]

Full text of commercially published books in the arts, humanities, social sciences, life and physical sciences, business, computers and  more; full-text books. Provided by South Dakota Library Network


ebrary [ProQuest]

Provides electronic books in all academic subject areas; downloadable full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


Google books [Google]

Searches full-text of millions of books; provides some previews and full-text; indexing and full-text. Provided by Google


Hoopla  Ebooks, Audiobooks, Movies, Music, Comic Books, and more


Knovel [Knovel]

Knovel is specifically focused on the engineering community, offering a comprehensive collection of engineering content; full-text books and engineering references. Provided by Devereaux Library


Overdrive/Libby Magazines, Ebooks, etc.

Other resources


Journal List - OCLC [OCLC]

Listing of all journals, electronic, print, and microform as well as ebooks available through the Devereaux Library; indexes journal articles and ebooks.; journal listing with indexes, provides links to full-text. Provided by Devereaux Library


U.S. Government Printing Office MetaLib [U.S. Government Printing Office]

Retrieves articles, reports and citations from federal government publications; indexing and full-text. Provided by US GPO


WorldCat Discovery [OCLC]

A worldwide catalog of millions of  items found libraries and links to journal articles; indexing, full text, and bibliographic links to resources. Provided by Devereaux Library